It’s beginning to look a lot…


I know my fabric stash is a bit ridiculous, but it was hard for me to pass up this Christmas fabric during a good sale this summer at Peek a Boo fabric shop I bought these pick up truck panels and coordinates for my boys (along with a few other things… cough cough…)


The fabric had been hanging out on my dryer when I finally decided on Rebecca Page’s Comfy Cowl pattern (affiliate link: no extra cost to you but I get something to help support this sewing habit!)


This was my first Comfy Cowl and I don’t know why I waited so long. I took the time to press and I always wonder why I skip that so often (bad seamstress!) I didn’t have enough of the coordinate fabric left for the hood so I picked some cheap Walmart striped knit.  It had been hanging out for a good six years in my stash. It was finicky so I didn’t top stitch the hood per the instructions. The Peek a Boo cotton Lycra was lovely to sew.

I’m ridiculously pleased with the results. It’s not even Thanksgiving but I have to share. He couldn’t be any cuter and it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

(True Story: Immediately following this shot I turned to my friend and told her I had gotten a great shot. With that, my kiddo face planted onto the sidewalk skinning up that beautiful nose.  Modeling is tough work!)